"Mental health plays a pivotal role in maternal well-being. If we truly aim to halt the ongoing maternal health crisis in the US, it's essential to  provide resources and support at the community level."


Ensure all moms have access to the resources, support, and education they need to protect their well-being without fear or judgment.


"The United States has the highest maternal mortality rate among high-income countries."

The US is facing a significant public health crisis in maternal mental health, with more than 22% of maternal deaths linked to mental health complications. This statistic underscores the urgent need for comprehensive strategies to address mental health issues among expectant and new mothers, ensuring access to quality on-going care to safeguard maternal health and well-being.


A world where every mother is empowered to thrive without guilt or shame.

Letter from our Founder

I am a woman, a founder, a mother and a person in recovery from C-PTSD. As part of my mission to fill gaps in maternal healthcare, I became a Certified Mental Health Peer Specialist and Certified Postpartum Doula, Childbirth Educator and Lactation Educator.

I created Dowa to pay it forward in gratitude to the moms who saved my life. The word "Dowa" comes from the Korean word dowajo which means "help". Dowa is my thank you to letter to the moms who helped carry me.

I hope by sharing this very personal part of me, it will give you the courage to receive support. To be honest, I didn't have a Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorder (PMAD), but my trauma compounded with being a new mom led to a diagnosis I am still navigating.

Through this journey, there are two important lessons I learned. One, is that there is a clear difference between telling someone it's ok to be vulnerable, and giving someone a space to be vulnerable. The second lesson I learned was how crucial a good support system is - especially when you're a (new) mom. Support looks different for everyone, and needing it doesn't make you incompetent - it makes you capable because you are able to ask for help. Being vulnerable doesn't make you weak - it makes you strong because you are not afraid to show your true self. The crisis impacting maternal health is preventable, and we hope to be part of the solution and be a safe space for moms where they can learn, make mistakes, and be themselves without fear or judgement.

TL;DR - Planning is the first step toward prevention, so don't hesitate or wait to seek support early on. The greatest gift you can give to your child is to take care of yourself.

Congratulations on your new journey. We're here to listen, without judgment, if you need someone to talk to.

with gratitude,
